Sunday, January 6, 2008

One flurry; two storms

It's hard to believe that Jadyn and Liana will turn 2 this Friday. I'm truly just settling into Age 1 and now I must prepare for the next storm of growth and development.

Before church this morning, we walked along one of my favorite trails at a local college. Bordered by Weeping Willows, this path follows a quaint little creek. I love it because it's serene but in the middle of an urban area. In other words, we can get a dose of nature without traveling far from home.

In my heels, ready for church, I walked as my daughters ran. Breeze whipped through their hair as the sunlight hit those strands just right. Smiles were everywhere on their faces.

They still toddle when they run. Their feet sway out to the sides as if they aren't bending their knees very far. I still think it's one of the most adorable things they do -- of course, it's always when they are running free and wild and crazy. Times like those I'm hardly needed. Times like those are so very rare as they have both become clingy and attached at all hours of the day and night.

After church service, someone asked us, "So, is it getting any easier?"

The short answer is that it has in a way, but in many ways it's still very hard. It's hard to get up each day knowing that at at least one point in the day two babies are going to want to be held and cuddled and that one will, ultimately, have to be put on hold or told not right now.

My answer to the question, though, is very true.

We're stronger. We have survived. And it has been the hardest, yet most thrilling two years of our lives.

On Saturday, we will celebrate this highest achievement of reaching Age 2.

Cupcake, anyone?

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Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

An early happy birthday to Jadyn and Liana from me! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the wee ones. For me mothering doesn't get any easier, just different. Good luck in every day.

LauraC said...

Congrats on making it two years in such style and grace!

And thanks for being honest about it being hard. I am having a rough week and it's good to hear that it's not just me being a bad mom!

Anonymous said...

It gets higher, I promise you. (It gets lower too :)) It all calls for celebration.

Allison Slater Tate said...

Even with one at a time, I always say, it doesn't get easier, it just gets different. Different things will be hard. You never beat the learning curve. But what an interesting life it makes!

Happy birthday Jadyn and Liana... and Mommy and Daddy!

bella said...

Happy early birthday to all three of you.
I hope that in the celebration of their big two, cupcakes and giggles and meltdowns and all, that there is a moment for you to celebrate your own birth, as their mother and the woman you became when you met them.
I know it has been hard. it may get harder or easier, I can't say.
But I do know that you will be there for all of it, and this makes me love you.

Michelle (The Beartwinsmom) said...

Wow... I didn't know how close in birthday time we were. My duo's birthday is this Wednesday.

Happy early birthday to the future American leaders, and Happy Anniversary on becoming a mom of twins!

Shelli said...

You deserve a big hug for making it to this milestone. Congratulations. And happy birthday to your little ones! It will seem like a blink before my little one turns two in August.

tlc said...

Happy day to the little Fink wonders and congrats to the blessed Fink parents! Eat a cupcake and take it all in. Enjoy the beings that you have created, and know that it all is worth it! You gotta love it...